Part 2.5
Participating in Australian society

Australia encourages all citizens to actively participate in society. Active citizens take on the responsibility and privilege of shaping Australia’s future. For example, you can join neighbourhood and local community organisations, volunteer to do social and community work, join an arts or cultural organisation, and actively participate in political life.
Paying tax is another important way you directly contribute to the Australian community and is required by law. Tax is paid out of the money you earn, whether it is from a job, a business or investments, and is collected by the ATO. There are also taxes on many goods and services. The ATO works to ensure all citizens are aware of their tax rights and obligations to pay the correct amount of tax.
Many of the benefits that Australians enjoy are made possible through taxes. Taxes are spent on services including government-funded healthcare and education, defence, roads and railways, and social security.
By working and paying taxes, you support the government to provide these important services to the Australian community. State and territory governments and local councils also collect taxes to pay for services. These services help make Australia the peaceful and prosperous country it is today.